Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Stevenson's Colouring Competition Winners

On 3rd of June we had special visitors from Stevenson to tell us about their jobs. We saw a concrete truck and met the driver Steve and also listen to Pam from the office.
Firstly we were very lucky with the weather, and  we were allow to climb inside the truck. We were all lined up to do this!

Then we went inside the hall to listen to the driver Steve and Pam. They told us about building the Sky Tower! We also asked many questions. And then we were told that there will be a colouring competition with three prizes. The prizes were three vouchers from the Toy World. 1st prize $50, 2nd $30 and the 3rd $20. We all tried hardest to win them. Today was the winner announcement day, 
the winners were 1st Prize winner Room 22 LJ  
                           2nd Prize winner Room17 SK
                             3rd Prize winner Room 22 GL
and there was another certificate given to Room 17 GY 'Recommendation' for his creativity.
Well done everyone! 

Thank you Stevenson for your generosity! 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

IMG 0291


We have been writing about the them 'When I grow up.' So we have written our own job interviews. We were learning about how to use speech marks correctly and have a new line for a new speaker. After we wrote them, we were filmed. So we had to practise our expression. Take a look at just some of them....