Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Spring is for new life...

We have planted some beans and tomatoes in our

 pots and are going to look after them and help

 them to grow. We have also planted some bean

 seeds in a plastic bag that Mrs Reid stuck to the

window. We will be able to watch what happens

to a seed when it begins to grow and see all the

changes that take it from a seed to a plant. 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Shakeout NZ in Room 22

We have just completed taking part in the nation wide earthquake drill. At 9.15am we all heard Mrs Reid call drop and we went into action. We all know to Drop to the floor, Cover our neck and head and Hold onto the nearest table leg. We also know that we need to become turtles and keep our body in around us as close as possible to prevent injuries from happening. We also know to keep away from windows and walls that could fall and if we need to move we have to crawl as walking may be too difficult.