Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Today we learned a little about Purapura (seeds). We listened to a story about how pumkin seeds are collected. then we looked at some different seeds. We are going to try to sprout some and then plant them out. We have beans, peas and sunflower seeds all soaking in water for a few hours. We will tip the water out and repeat daily... we shall keep you posted on what happens.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Friday, 27 May 2016

When Vector came...

I learnt that there is a little bit of electricity in us. J.C
Don’t unplug a plug if there is water around it. M.W
Never ever stick a fork in a toaster. JP
Don’t throw things at power lines or climb up them to get something down. L.Q
Don’t pour water on electrical items. S.W
If a power line is down stay 6 meters away from it. MG
When there is a branch or a tree on the power line you must stay away from it too. L.B
Don’t touch broken wires. S.K
Don’t overload an outlet. Y.G
Don’t touch a transformer in case it is damaged. D.H
Never pour water on an electrical fire. A.G
Don’t touch the top of an electrical wire. B.S
I enjoyed the safety video. L.L
A lot of wires are inside a power line. Z.P
I liked it when Lara wore the protection gear. H.M
Shanae wore rubber gloves and leather gloves. Devon wore a safety helmet.
Esther showed us how to be safe, and how to plug in cables.

Friday, 15 April 2016

The Princess Who Saved Herself

We don't all need to be saved and this is shown in the story that Room 22 has created a book around.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Kia Kaha Planets

For the end of our Kia Kaha unit we designed bully free planets.

Here are some of Room 21's designs.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Baking Hot Cross Buns

Prior to Easter Room 17 baked delicious Hot Cross Buns. You can see how all of us enjoyed eating them :-) Photos were taken by DN and EL.

Don't be anything but you!


This video has many powerful messages in it about bullying. Please listen carefully and join in. Room 22 is going to have a go singing this at their assembly on the last day of term. We may not be rap stars but we believe in the message!

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Middle School Swimming Carnival - Year Four

Middle School Swimming Carnival on PhotoPeach

On Friday afternoon we held the Year Four Swimming Carnival.

Wayne and Peter organised lots of really fun activities for us to do in the water.  We all had lots of fun and earned house points.

The winning house was Sheppard!

Room 23's Self Portraits