I learnt that there is a little bit of electricity in us.
Don’t unplug a plug if there is water around it. M.W
Never ever stick a fork in a toaster. JP
Don’t throw things at power lines or climb up them to get something
down. L.Q
Don’t pour water on electrical items. S.W
If a power line is down stay 6 meters away from it. MG
When there is a branch or a tree on the power line you must
stay away from it too. L.B
Don’t touch broken wires. S.K
Don’t overload an outlet. Y.G
Don’t touch a transformer in case it is damaged. D.H
Never pour water on an electrical fire. A.G
Don’t touch the top of an electrical wire. B.S
I enjoyed the safety video. L.L
A lot of wires are inside a power line. Z.P
I liked it when Lara wore the protection gear. H.M
Shanae wore rubber gloves and leather gloves. Devon wore a
safety helmet.
Esther showed us how to be safe, and how to plug in cables.
Safety around electricity is so important. Glad you all learnt how to be safe!